Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Google corporate reputation in the United States ranked first

This IT news is Provided from the ShangHai XingGuo Net Technology co.,Ltd

Advice Reputation Institute released the latest public survey results that Google in the United States, the largest 150 companies in the business reputation of the first rank. Survey elements include the company's products and services, innovation, leadership and corporate social responsibility to the views, and so on.

Reputation Institute executive director Anthony Johndrow, from the enterprise credibility of the policy debate or to explain their business to the public acts the role, this "image of assets" extremely valuable. However, Google still in the privacy of telecommunications policy and antitrust, and other fields to make more efforts. "Google has won the respect of the public, so when things happen, it will again be the 'presumption of innocence' benefits."

This is the Reputation Institute for the third year in corporate reputation public survey, the number of respondents more than 25,000 people, but is the first time Google will be included in the survey list. 2007, Google continued its rapid growth in annual revenue calculated according to the list of 150 companies nationwide.

Yuehandeluo said: "Google to provide free practice of its core products in a very advantageous position. People know that Google made a big money, but they think: 'does not matter, not from me anyway money'." But he pointed out that products and services is not the only elements of corporate reputation, corporate social responsibility (to support a beautiful ideal, not destroy the environment), management (of ethical standards, corporate behaviour transparent) and the workplace (tickets are staff) are very Important, but more and more important. And Google in these three areas are ranked first, even in the ability to innovate is also living in the first place.

The largest technology companies have the reputation of good, and their ranks are 75 and above. Last ranking is the Halliburton, Countrywide Financial penultimate position.

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