Sunday, October 19, 2008

Bank of Ireland bankruptcy, resulting in loss of Oxford University 30 million pounds

This IT news is provided from the ShangHai XingGuo Net Technology co.,Ltd
Bank of Ireland due to the bankruptcy of some world-renowned Oxford University lost its British branch of the existence of the deposit that is part of 30,000,000 pounds.

By the world financial crisis, a number of large banks in Ireland last week, declared bankruptcy, some of the deposits have been frozen.

Oxford University's funds were the existence of Ireland's three bank branches in the UK, lost in his own account, after Oxford lost 5% of their deposits.

Oxford University Vice-Chancellor of financial Giles Kerr said that in order to enable students and teachers not to have suffered losses in the financial crisis, Oxford University has allocated sufficient funds.

Oxford University is now on account of 600,000,000 pounds. The amount of money in circulation every year the number will exceed the amount. Oxford University for almost all the property

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